Tuesday 28 January 2014

Over Thinker.

Hello there, I thought in todays blog post I would address a recurring issue for me, sleep. Or more to the point the lack of sleep I seem to be getting. No matter how incredibly tired I am I still seem to lie in bed wide awake till around 3:00am staring at my awfully boring bedroom ceiling while my boyfriend lies beside me indulging in a deep peaceful sleep. The thought of having to get up in a few hours doesn't even bare thinking about at that point. Over the years I have learnt not to look at the time as this only makes matters worse.

(When the hands on the clock start to creep toward 4:00am, I feel being squashed by a giant pea could only improve things) 

I don't just lie awake blankly staring at my ceiling peacefully waiting to fall asleep. Oh no, that would be way too easy. My mind is rushing at 100mph through every possible, impossible and totally irrational thought it can possibly think up. This leaves me lying there panicking about events and situations that, lets be honest, will probably never happen. This then leads to me having to calm myself down, take my mind off everything that has just been processed and remember 'Everything is going to be okay'. I have come to the conclusion I am in fact an over thinker.  

I turned to my friend the internet to see what the people of the world had to say. I was happy to see that I am not the only person who lies awake at night over thinking. I browsed many a page of tips and techniques of how to 'Stop over thinking your life' and 'Detox The Mind Before bed' but nothing seemed simple or possible for that matter. I don't know about you but when I tell myself to simply stop over thinking this leads to over thinking x100. However, I then came across a blog post 'How to stop over thinking everything: 9 simple habits'. The 9 simple habits really are simple and definitely do-able. I highly recommend any of you over thinkers out there to check it out and give it a read.

 Do you have an over active mind? Or any tips and tricks for us over thinkers please let me know. 

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